Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Creativity - Art - Society - Religion

At novice levels, creativity dwells in the ability to stretch ones imagination, perhaps to the most extreme levels.

However, the ultimate objective of creativity, especially resulting in so called ‘Art’, which is always accompanied with the urge to express, would be to device a way to transfer, in true sense, the perspective of the beholder, the ‘Artist’.

Then the debate arises, should the intellect of just an artist be left to influence the society in the name of so called ‘freedom of expression’?

As of now, and for millions of past eras, it seems the nature has caused the spectrum of creative ability among artists and spectrum of intellectuality among artists, only cris-crossed at totally arbitrary points. As a result, societies seem to experience very intermittent trends of both evolution and devolution.

No wonder, many religions of the world are so vary while promoting art.

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