Saturday, 10 September 2011

Intellectual Pessimism - Ganapathi Bappa Moriya - Demystified

GOD! Hyderabad has become the most ugliest and inconsiderate for any kind of civilized living during the last 10 days. Almost all of us are haunted by the insensitive loud speakers constantly blowing noise and not devotion into every household. Most of us have taken at least a few U turns because the route is blocked by a Ganesha, truly living up to its meaning - God of impediments.

Now see the after effects of our festival. A lot of junk will be dropped into almost all lakes in the city. Then the plaster of Paris and tons of iron will be greedily salvaged by a bunch of people who see the commercial benefit but not the cleansing objective. For months to come, each and every water body in the city becomes a disease breeder giving a healthy impetus to the hospital industry (not hospitality industry).  

I don’t know why, despite being the oldest religion in the world, we show such childish disrespect to our own surroundings. I have seen other major religions celebrating their festivals with no major residual impact to their surroundings both in India as well as outside.

Looks like, it is our way of democracy which is being constantly threatened by secularism, is only resulting in total lack of objective governance of ourselves. This will only bring an end that is prolonged and painful to all of us starting with total loss of culture and thus humanity.

No wonder it is sometimes intellectual not only just to predict a quick death scenario such as Mayan prediction - end of the world in 2012 but also to actively seek it.

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